THIRD DAY: Read Matthew
How is Matthew 19:28-30 connected to
this parable?
In the kingdom of heaven the
first will be last, and the last will be first. The reward is not from our work but from God’s grace only.
b. How is the landowner a picture
of the sovereignty and fairness of God?
landowner has dealt with different workers in various timings, but same fair
wage reflects that God has dealt with us individually in different situations
and fairly provides the salvation to who has repented.
c. Read Luke 15:11-32. How are the
men who worked all day like the older brother in the Luke passage?
men who worked all day like the older brother that followed the Father for a
long time. They think they are better than others for God, so they deserve more
payment. They are not focus on God’s grace, but being proud of their own
achievement and jealous of others.
d. What truth could help you if you
have the same attitude as the early workers?
don’t know the wage is the salvation from the blood of Jesus that is way too
precious than any human effort should earn.
e. How does the grace of God amaze
showed His grace by calling the people, early in the morning, 9 in
the morning, at noon, and also 5 in the afternoon. Even when we have forsaken
Him He will still welcome us if we repent.
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