
2014 BSF "The Life of Moses" Lesson 1, Q3~Q5

SECOND DAY: Read Exodus 1:1-21.
Q3.  Read Genesis 15; 45:4-18; 46:3-4, 26-27. Why were the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham (Abram) and Jacob, in Egypt?
It is God’s plan that for 400 years the descendants of Abraham would be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. However, they also came out with great possessions afterward (Genesis 15:13-14) and were made a great nation there (Genesis 46:3-4, 26-27).
In Genesis 45:5-7, God sent Joseph ahead of his family to preserve them a remnant on earth and to save their lives by a great deliverance before the 2 years famine and 5 years no plowing and reaping.
a. What did the new king, who did not know about Joseph, fear?
The new king feared the Israelites became far too numerous for the Egypt.
b. Who was his first strategy to control the Israelites? (See Exodus 1:9-14)
They put slave masters over the Israelites to oppress them with forced labor.
c. What were the two results of the first stage of persecution?
More the Israelites were oppressed the more they multiplied and spread.
d. What was the king’s second plan to control the Hebrews? (See Exodus 1:15-21.)
The king of Egypt told the midwives to kill the newborn boys of Hebrew.
a. What risks did Shiphrah and Puah take? What motivated them?
They risked their lives, because they feared of God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do.
b. What does God’s response to the midwives teach you about Him?
God was kind to the midwives. God is faithful to he whom fears God.

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