
Lesson 22, Q5~Q8

THIRD DAY: Read Matthew 21:23-32.
a. In today’s language, what did the religious leaders ask Jesus?
What are you doing here? Who do you think you are?
b. Read Luke 19:47-20:8. What does Luke include that interests you?
They didn’t believe John nor Jesus was from heaven but they were worried they would be stoned. They fear people more than they fear God.
a. How had Jesus’ opponents refused to act on what God had already shown them?
The chief priests, the teachers of the law were trying to kill Jesus.
b. Read Matthew 13:11-15. What principles from these verses apply to the religious leaders who questioned Jesus’ authority?
The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to the religious leaders, but they refused to acknowledge the authority was indeed from God.
c. (Personal) Is there anything you have learned from studying Matthew that you have refused to apply? If so, how might this keep you from all God has for you?
God has shown me His forgiveness. But I am the one won’t put down my old failure.
Q7. In the parable of the two sons, what people in Jesus’ time were represented by:
a. The son who said he would not work but later did?
The one who repented and followed Jesus like the disciples.
b. The son who said he would work but did not?
The one who rejected Jesus like the religious leaders.
a. What attitudes today could each of the sons represent?
Real Christians fear God; and fake Christians said they believe but their heart not.
b. (Personal) Which son would represent you? Why?
The first son who rejected first but repented later.

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