
Lesson 17, Q2~Q3

Second day, Matthew 16:1-12; Mark 8:10-21
a. Why was the Pharisees’ request for a sign wrong in view of what they knew of Jesus?

Old testament Messiah prophesies fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Pharisees should know better, however, they refused to believe Jesus is the Christ, but accused him the one having the political ambition. They wanted to humiliate Jesus and by testing him to find faults from it.

b. (Challenge) How can we today “interpret the signs of the times”?
From Daniel 4 we learned that no magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners could interprete for king Nebuchadnezzar, but only through the Holy Spirit the Most High God has performed to Daniel.
From Luke 12:54-59 we learned that for this present time we should judge ourselves and know what we doing wrong and repent immediately for our sins.
From Matthew 24:3-7 we learned the Signs of the End Times that As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. Many will come in Jesus’ name claiming they are the Messiah. We will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that we are not alarmed. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
c. (Challenge) What was the “sign of Jonah”? (See Matthew 12:39-41.)
Jesus will be suffering for 3 days and 3 nights and then rise again and bring God’s judgment to the world like Jonah brought to the men in Nineveh.


a. What did Jesus mean when He spoke of the “yeast of the Pharisees,” according to Matthew 16?
The yeast was the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
b. How did the disciples’ misunderstanding of Jesus’ warning about the Pharisees’ “yeast” reveal what they were thinking about much of the time?
They were thinking of the thing on earth, the bread, clothes, money, who’s bigger, but not the thing in heaven.
c. Why did Jesus connect their thinking with their faith?
You of little faith”
If the disciples had the real faith that the Son of God was being with them they wouldn’t worry about the small and useless thing then. Just like if we go out with our president as a team or group we don’t need to worry about the lunch box or shuttle bus. He would provide. We just need to know what to do for him.
d. Name some ways we also miss spiritual understanding for some of the same reasons the disciples did.
Sometime we prayed for all small needs in our life.
Question God for our earthly problems and frustrations.
Planned for our or family’s future but only on earth.

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