
Lesson 18, Q12~Q13

Fifth day: Read Matthew 17:22-27. Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time
a. Why should Peter, James and John have been better prepared than the other disciples for Jesus’ words of Matthew 17:22-23?
Jesus’ transfiguration and God’s command were revealed to them, so they understood better now.
b. How do you know the disciples had begun to understand Jesus’ words?
Similar to Q12a, Other disciples learned from Peter, James and John whom have been revealed about Jesus’ departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem.
c. What shows they lacked full understanding of Jesus’ words and purpose?
The disciples were filled with grief.
d. Can you share with your group a time you were grief-stricken because you failed to understand fully Jesus’ purpose?
I failed to understand Jesus’ purpose when I brought my Nina to the veterinary emergency clinic for her acute kidney failure. I was and I am in grief-stricken about losing her because that was a time I believed Jesus meant to save her, but not to take her away from me because I felt the Holy Spirit companied me all the way.

Q13, Read Exodus 30:11-16 and 38:25-26.
a. What was the temple tax?
Each one older than 20 years old should give a half shekel, equals to weighs 10 gerahs as the atonement money and use it for the service of tent of meeting as memorial for the Israelites before the Lord.
b. What did Jesus teach about Himself through the miracle of the fish?

Jesus said “the king of the earth collect tax from others to atone for their lives but not from his own children” implied that “neither the King of the Heaven would collect tax from His own child because He is sin free.” The money found in a fish confirmed once more that Jesus is the Son of God.

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